Linggo, Abril 24, 2011

Third Sex: Mortal or Venial Sin

Third Sex( Sward & lesbian) mortal or a venial sin? Why is it nowadays the sward are keep on telling that they can be able to have a sex transformation. Sex transformation is conducted at United states of America. Like what happen to former pop singer Michael Jackson. Swards going to inject estrogen while lesbian testosterone. Sward will put silicon to their breast as well remove the penis then change to vagina while lesbian from vagina to penis. My goodness! Why these people are not contented of what God created them?
Based on the Holy Bible God created only two gender male & female so, we should accept of what we are now.I admit it's too,difficult but, if we let God control our emotion, everything will be under control,safe & sound.Sward could never be implanted a uterus which God created a very unique organ in a woman(wo for womb plus man since, out from the left rib of a man equals woman).Let's accept the fact. Sward & lesbian could be able to undergo a marriage since, they are male & female.But, never man to man nor woman to woman, this will not conform to what God's plan or design "Go and multiply & fill the Earth".Therefore, I conclude third sex is a mortal sin.How about you,what is your idea?